2008年6月16日 星期一

Oxford Circus

有著倫敦的台北東區之稱的 Oxford Circus 是年輕人們最喜歡的逛街地點

從 Oxford Circus 離 Piccadilly很近。走路約十五分鐘。


圖中的圓圈代表 Oxford Circus 商圈方圓兩公里的範圍。


沿著這條路可以走到 Picadilly. 沿途很多名牌商店,是個購物的好地方^^

1 則留言:

Joanna 提到...

Oxford, The City of Dreaming Spires , is famous the world over for its University and place in history.

There are always things to do in and around Oxford, whether it be visiting some of the local tourist attractions / historical places of interest, dining out in one of Oxford's quality restaurants, enjoying the local music scene, seeing a film at a nearby cinema, or visiting one of the local pubs, bars or cafes.

Oxford is amazing for me.^^
